I can't understand how it's ok for the US to have AND to share their nuclear weapons with Isreal, but it's not ok for others to develop nuclear power?
All these invasions and wars stem from what happened on 9/11.
Even in the P.N.A.C.(Project for a New American Century) document, released before 9/11, it states that the Middle East must be controlled for it's energy resources. First invading Afghanistan, then Iraq, Iran and Syria, in that order! So we'll see how things work out in the next couple of years.
But there's a bigger picture to look at here. It's all about world domination, to have a World Bank, World Currency and a One World Government. And it's the major bankers behind it all. Look up the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission to find out more.
Just a question for the Americans here - Do you know that Canada, Mexico and the USA are merging to form the American Union?
Yeah, I was on that server too today and got kicked a couple of times, as did everyone in front of me. I checked $records and, if I seen it right, the record for the XFG was a 57.xxx and the leaders were running around 1.35.
I was also racing on Blackwood when people, including me, were getting kicked and asked to practice offline.
The two records are by two different people, if I'm correct.
How can they be getting those times and not being recognised by the server as cheating? Or are they even cheating? Was it maybe the server registering the wrong car for a time someone ran? Because there is a big difference between the times everyone was running and the times set in the records. I'm a noob here so not sure how the server works.
BTW, I enjoy racing at the STCC servers and this isn't going to stop me from racing there. There's no other servers like it, good job. I'm 5% away from getting my Silver Licence and there's a G25 on the horizon so I'll soon be racing with the pros. Hopefully like a pro too.
Alrite people, have been playin' LFS for few months, just got S2 a few days ago and lovin' it.
Have to get a wheel, G25, but havin' some doubts with all the posts about faulty units. I heard on some S2 servers, that Logitech are not making new ones? And when you return your faulty one you just get a refurbished one? Anyone hear about this?